20130107 – Father Not Talking To Me

Joy: Please help me with the emotions which are blocking progress on the house – specifically with my son S and with the builders.

Guides: You are unwilling to feel your father emotions. There is a deep grief about him not talking to you and not listening. And if he’s not talking to you then you don’t feel loved. You can’t skip to “I don’t feel loved” you need to feel “Dad’s not talking to me.” And he will never talk to you because mum won’t allow it.

Next is your fear of your mum – fear of humiliation, fear of being in trouble when you have done nothing wrong, fear of control, never being allowed to do what you wanted, only what mum wanted.

Joy: Thank you , that was very helpful, I realized why I like men who talk to me, particularly JED – we talked every day for hours either in his office or on the phone.

Realization: If the man talks to me I think that’s love.

Reinforces the value of speaking regularly.

With love

Yvonne Joy

About yvonnejoy

I live in Wilkesdale, Queensland on 40 acres of bush amongst a community of friends who share, live and learn Divine Truth on a daily basis. One of my passions is to share Divine Truth with many others and be a living example of truth and love in all my interactions. Growing towards God and growing in love go hand in hand and recognizing that we are all God's children equally. I would like to contribute to restoring that equality with my brothers and sisters everywhere; both on earth and in the spirit world.

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